Some of them look a little better than the others, owing to the fact that the sun hits some of them harder than others. Still, I think that this can be more or less remedied by the correct application of water.
Further, the seeds that we planted in a large pot have begun to germinate! Right now they are pretty small, most only a centimeter or two high. All of them have a couple of leaves on the ends of their stems, but we're hoping that soon they will sprout into wonderful flowers. The sunlight doesn't hit the pot so hard as the flower bed itself, so the soil stays moister, which I think is good for the seeds at this stage. The directions said that we're supposed to thin the sprouts out after they reach about 4 inches, but I doubt that we will end up doing that.
There are a lot of things that we are meaning to add to this blog, so hopefully we will have some new pictures up entries up before the end of next weekend.
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